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1600X or 1700

18 May 2010

Your thoughts on my dilemma please.

I appreciate the 1600X isnt out yet and we know very little about it so lets just assume its similar to the 1800X but with less cores and this is for a gaming only build so I imagine its gaming performance will be very similar but not as good as app performance which doesn't bother me

I can get a 1700 now and will need to OC it for it to match the 1600X's clocks. Thats going to take time and effort, time is something I dont have much of at the moment, gaming time is precious

I can wait for the 1600X, it will be cheaper and should perform similar to OC'd 1700 for a cheaper price and be plug and play

What is everyone else doing? Not fussed on the premature release comments as that can be worked around whilst updates get released, I'm interested in what people are doing RE buying R7 now or waiting for R5 in terms of gaming builds

If you took the time to see the benefits of offset voltage with your fx all those years ago, that knowledge would have helped you with AM4.

Not sure what you mean here, did we used to chat about AM3 OC'ing in the AMD OC'ing thread?

Offset voltage is over my head, cant understand why to bother with it when you can just seek out the VCore sweet spot for the highest multiplier and stable LLC combination
I was using a 4+1 78lmt usb3 and I did it to help preserve the mosfets using an fx8320 at 4.8-5ghz @ 1.45-1.55v.
It saved power and idle temps and heat but mostly it stopped unecessary current load through the mosfets, when most the time the pc was sat idling.

I thought it was going to be something along those lines as I did a bit reading into how to get voltage to drop at idle today as its obviously fixed when OC'ing with the method I stated

What I dont get is someone else mentioned their OC'd Ryzen CPu voltage drops at idle on here today but AMD state that manual OC will fix the Vcore to the manual setting.

See its a slippery slope, on one hand the 1600X is attractive as its more likely fit it and forget it where as the other option is hours of obsessing
Until the r5 range release nobody knows... the 1700 is here now and is proving itself to be both awesome and likely highly future proof.

I would be keen to see if there is also a 1600 (-x) and if that is that same level of bargain that the 1700 is turning out to be.

We don't know if they are building stock for the r5 from failed r7 stock and therefore possibly not getting a chip that is going to do any better Mhz or are we going to see chips that can actually do more than 4ghz and therefore be better gaming chips...

Bottom line - if it is an upgrade from your 8350 you are going to see a massive upgrade going to a 1700 even if you stay close to stock - and then as the platform matures you could potentially push the clocks in a couple of months much more easily as by then we will have really good overclocking guides.

Fair points, it also bothers me that some of the 8 cores might just sit there doing nothing though and we're talking approx £80 in cost between the two

Also how much of an upgrade are we talking, would kill to see 1440p bench marks of BF1 8350 vs 1700
I have actually completed the testing for two approved bundles I am just waiting till around 18th to launch when we have stock of cooler brackets that I need.

No point to launch without decent cooling. Maybe we do pre order a couple of days before.

Just wait and see. Seems like I need to test more memory options first before I launch these anyway.

Good stuff, I'm only interested in B350 though, don't need half the stuff on the X370. Will there be B350/1700 combo pre OC options?

thanks, defo not waiting for ryzen 2 I'm still on my 8350, its been great but I want higher minimums in BF1 and any other games I play

won't the new Xbox have an 8 core ryzen cpu? Makes me think it might be worth while having one in my desktop
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