16gb 2666mhz to 32gb 3200mhz?

9 Apr 2009
Hi, i havr a ryzen 3700 on a b450f motherboard, 16gb 2666mhz ram and a amd 5700 gpu.

Was toying with the idea of upgrading to 32gb 3200mhz ram.

I play project cars 2 in vr using the quest 2.

Will i see any improvement on fps or would your advice be leave the money and get a nvidia 3080 when stocks improve?

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Have you checked your using more than 16gb of ram when gaming and have you tried overclocking it ?

A 3080 would be a massive upgrade.
I havent checked to be honest, but just wondered about the memory speeds. Also gavent tried overclocking it.... And wouldnt know where to start
If your going to 32gb you mite as well get 3200mhz but you may have to set that speed in the bios, xmp profile setting.

In your unsure of the bios read the motherboard manual to understand more.
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