16GB OId Abandoned Ram.

6 Jun 2005
Plymouth / Cambridge

a left over computer in our house has yielded some 16GB Ram

2X G. SKILL 8GB (2 x 4GB) PC3-12800 (DDR3-1600) Memory (F3-12800CL9D-8GBXL)

in my system i currently have some old

Corsair 12GB DDR3 10666C9 1333MHz XMS3 TwinX Tri Channel Kit (6x2GB)

is it worth Swapping this out? the extra 4gb might be useful and the ram might be a bit quicker than my current.


Go for it, its 267mhz faster and the same cache latency at CL9. The extra 4GB of ram will be be worth it.

Edit.. just caught on your system is triple channel.. well that is a tough choice then... not sure what I would do.

What is your computer used for mostly?
How much lower could that be? and which will be lower, the G.skills or the Corsairs?

Thanks for everyone's answers so far :)
How much lower could that be? and which will be lower, the G.skills or the Corsairs?

Thanks for everyone's answers so far :)
will be 1333mhz as thats what the corsair are
so they will all run at that
both are cas9 so will be cas9
but any timing subsections will be whichever is lower
cool, so really just give it a go tbh. as i could get 24GB of ram if this all works, right?
cool, so really just give it a go tbh. as i could get 24GB of ram if this all works, right?
something wrong with your numbers in 1st post then
2X G. SKILL 8GB (2 x 4GB)
(6x2GB) corsair
is it 16gb gskill or 8gb?
guessing that should say 2 x 8gb in the brackets
yes just try it
will either boot or wont or will blue screen
Cool I think it's a 6 slot but will have to check tomorrow. As long as there is no real chance of damaging the ram by using two different sets or motherboard then I'll give it a shot tomorrow. Not a great time for buying a new pc right now.
Cool I think it's a 6 slot but will have to check tomorrow. As long as there is no real chance of damaging the ram by using two different sets or motherboard then I'll give it a shot tomorrow. Not a great time for buying a new pc right now.
mixed ram loads of times
sometimes worked sometimes didnt
but never damaged any
I believe my motherboard is the GA-X58A-UD7. Its pretty old now. Just like everything else on the PC. Still does the job till its the right time for the new system.
I believe my motherboard is the GA-X58A-UD7. Its pretty old now. Just like everything else on the PC. Still does the job till its the right time for the new system.
If you run 3x2 gb you have 6gb triple channel but if you add 2x8gb with 1x2gb then only 6gb will run triple channel and the other 12gb will run asynchronous so all together you will have 12gb running in triple channel and 12gb running in asynchronous.
Remember to run it at the speed of your slowest dimms else it probably won't boot.
Out of interest what CPU are you using?
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i remember having that board :)
with an i7 920 at 4ghz :)
weird as it sounds mate but you can have 3 channel mode
on that motherboard
using 3,4 or 6 modules i know that doesnt sound right lol
but theres 3 memory channels and each can take 2 ram modules
i dont remember about 5 modules though as only used 3,4 and 6 on
that board when i had it but logically 5 would also be triple
as you would have modules in each of the 3 channels
but to the op if you look in cpuz in the memory tab/not spd tab
it will tell you dual or triple channel
and though it was a very long time ago thats how i remember being surprised
to see it in triple channel mode when i expected to see it say dual :):):):)
weird as it sounds mate but you can have 3 channel mode
on that motherboard
3 channel is just triple channel as I said in my previous post.

with 4 dimms you could either have it running in dual channel or triple channel but with triple channel 1 of the 4 dimms would run single channel.

The same with different size memory modules on the same channel, the smallest dimm IE the 2GB in OP case will use 2gb of the larger dimms to run triple channel while the remaining 6gb on the 2 larger dimms will run single channel

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