16GB to 32GB on a Asus Hero X - Help

14 Jul 2013
Hey all! I currently have this ram:


I would like to ideally upgrade to 32GB of ram! So I was going to buy another kit of the 8 pack stuff and fill up the spare dim slots. It seems however that they have been out of stock for some time now :(

Now I game and carry out various other tasks, mainly gaming. I have oc'd my CPU and GPU, but happy to just leave my RAM in XMP and not tweak at all. These sticks do what they say on the box and run at 3200Mhz at C14, which is great!

So, where from here for 32GB upgrade? Do I NEED a memory kit that is on my motherboards compatibity list? Due to me not overclocking, can I just go for something like this?? Would I see reduced performance with this 32GB kit and timing at 16-20-20-40 vs my current kit at 14-14-14-31?


There is a 32GB 8 pack kit...but nearly £300?!!! What happend to RAM prices....


Any advice appreciated!
Indeed an intel system. Thanks for the reply! I went for some 32GB Corsair Vengeance LPX @ 3200Mhz CL16 in the end!

I'll do some testing soon to see if there is any performance loss at all.:)
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