17" or 19" TFT????

27 Nov 2005
I am looking to get a new moniter and a friend has a 20" TFT and it looks great.

I dont have the funds to get a 20" but could streach to a 19".

I want to know if there is a difference in quality from 17" to 19"?
I would want to spend as little as poss but get the best bang for my money. Would anyone please point me in the right area.

Used for some gaming online and general films and photos.

In terms of quality it depends what monitor you buy.

I use a 19" AG neovo which I think cost me £182. Fantasic picture quality and a 12ms response time. I highly reccomend it.
Nowadays 19" have the same response times as 17", so there is no reason to skimp on a 17". I also hear from people how they now want to upgrade their 15, 17" monitor to 19"+

Do the right thing man, get a 19" monitor and enjoy those games, films and photo's.
As is the Samsung SM-913N. I've just got one of these up and running a coupla hours ago and so far I'm well impressed. Cheap too, £199 inc vat.
Thanks guys,

Looks like the 19" it is will take a look at the Samsung as a lot of peaple recomend them not just on this post. But will also look at the 19" AG neovo as above.

Anything to watch out for when picking one?
You want a low response time and maybe see what type of connections they use. There is no point buying a monitor with dvi connections if your gfx card has a vga connector. (ag neavo has dvi and vga). Try reading reviews on monitors to see what people experiances of them are like.
The image quality on the 913N via analogue is superb, and this screen replaced a 17" hitachi using DVI. In terms of quality theres nothing to choose between them. The analogue input has been implemented extremely well on this monitor (913N) and it surprised me when I first turned it on. Most vidcards nowadays come with an analogue to digital converter anyway, so conversion is really easy.
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