18.4 inch screen laptops

31 Dec 2005
Just wondered if anyone had an Acer 8930G

what do you think of it?

Also how does the

Nvidia GeForce 9700M-GT 512MB cope with gaming/movies and such?

A lot worse than the go7900GTX ?

Will be looking at getting a new lappy maybe... most primary factor is the large screen.

Budget is around £900 ish (edit ive seen a top spec version of the 8930g going for £999)
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hrmm getting more interesting :D

a "re-badged" MSI GT725 with the Radeon HD4850 for less than the Acer.... quad core cpu as well!

edit - where i found this its a steal!!! SOOO SOO TEMPTED to get it. I mean wtf quad core cpu, bluray, 4 gig ram and a HD4850 graphics! (basically think 2nd best single mobile graphic card out there)

shhh though...sounds too good to be true
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Hi, it has a 9 cell battery I believe, however a 1440x900 screen, even my 5 year old laptop will do that. Plain build and no bling, cheap and nasty case that doesn't look durable. It might be a quad, for what that's worth, but it is only at 2ghz. Personally I'd prefer a 8930g over it anytime, but then as a owner of one I'm biased ;-)

reviews ive seen say that the display is top notch even though its 1440x900 . i was looking at both the acer and the msi/advent in the flesh today. im a sucker for large screens so the acer won there. Also preferred the full size keyboard of the acer. MSI keyboard is decent sorta cramped fullsize. But still better than the M1710 keyboard.

These things for me though arent features for me they are bonuses. If the build quality is fine then good doesnt bother me if its not the best looker out there as long as whats under the bonnet is decent and competitive.

And i wouldnt base my decision on whether to buy a £1k laptop on how much bling it has LOL... that gets boring fast (switched off the bling on my xps soon after i got it)

Also i could be wrong but the cpu should be clockable. If the acer was £200 cheaper it would perhaps be more competitive with it.
HD 4870

top 3 single mobile GPU solutions. (counting gaming mobile gpus) And in some cases the 4850 is on the same sort of level as the 9800mGTX.

Yeah would be interested in a review of the MSI GT725 (technically mentioning the other one is against board rules but its pretty much the MSI GT725)

Thinking about getting it but waiting to see how it is received e.g. build quality reliable, cooling etc.
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