180mm Dust filters

5 Jun 2013
Liverpool - UK
Hi there...

I own a SilverStone Fortress FT02 that I purchased 6/7 years ago and still find it to be satisfactory....

One issue..I am in need of dust filters - 180mm in size, 3 in total.
Over the years I have picked up the dust filters with practically no problem of this particular size overtime. As the filters are coming to the end of there life due to wear and tear/cleaning, I am in need of new ones.

What will be the best source to purchase the 180mm dust filters from?

DEMCiflex has a 180x540mm fan filter specifically for the FT02 on their website but finding one for sale might not be easy. The downside is that I'm pretty sure it goes on top of the fans rather than beneath them.

If you can get your hands on some mesh, it might be possible to cut away the mesh on the stock fan filters and glue new mesh in it's place.

I emailed SilverStone Europe 3 days ago and now waiting on a response. Regardless of what they say I will update the thread.

If all else fails I will have a bash of making 3 of those..

Nice one, Doctor.
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