
I'm moving country in January and have a second bike there so I have no time, inclination or location to get it sorted.
I'll give them a call tomorrow and see what they say. I hate insurers though, they drag their feet and then take the mic.
This is all moving frustratingly slowly and people keep losing any receipts and photos I send through for my equipment claim.

What is the best way to find a value for my bike to make sure they aren't taking the mic with the initial offer?

It was a 2004 Suzuki SV650S with the full fairing, I can only find one similar example here:
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Sending them via email so it's fine to send them again.

It's just a pain that there seem to be lots of departments/companies involved who don't communicate with each other or hand over cases without handing over the files.

I'm with MCE but Plantec are dealing with the claim.
Ah that makes sense, I could only find one example with nearly identical age and mileage:

I've reminded them that I cannot wear a helmet again once I've been in a crash and re-sent the claim forms with the equipment list and receipts that they have already been sent before. They've completely ignored the equipment side of things.

My insurers said if the other party's insurers refuse to sell the scrap then they can do it for me.
So MCE keep asking me to get in touch with other companies (three in total: Plantec, 4th dimension and solicitors) to sort out various aspects and it's starting to get on my ****! Everything keeps going back and forth and I'm in the middle of these four companies who keep telling me to contact a different one for each aspect of the claim.

I think I want to go down the route of getting another company to manage everything for me, does anyone have any recommendations?

Might be worth talking to bike accident specialists like bikelawyer or whitedalton? see if they could help in a case like this?

Any experience with either chap?
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