If somebody edited all the software on your PC to just lie that a 25ms ping was in fact 8ms you wouldn't be able to tell that actually the round trip time was taking 17ms more - you're wasting energy even thinking about this. It's possible that some of the Milton Keynes Gigafast network is backhauled via Manchester (though it would be really strange) but it's very unlikely that you're going to get anything out of Vodafone other than "we can't see any problems".

3ms is I think unrealistic from Milton Keynes into London and then back to whatever server is hosting the target.

Have you done any pings to actual IP addresses rather than using DNS names? Perhaps the geo-location is just messed up.
I work for BT - all I can say is your wasting your time. Yes, Ping might be important to you as a gamer, but no ISP cares. The sales speed is on "Average/minimum guaranteed speeds" 99.9% of people have no real understanding of the more technical aspects, including the Tech support at the other end of the phone as its not something you have been sold on. Also FTTP has to be tested physically, unlike FTTC/Copper that has remote testing. 99% of the time if there's an issue with an FTTP connection its either working or not.

In regards to IP addresses they won't show location accuracy, its a dynamic IP that can change every 24 hours or after every modem restart. Business providers will even charge for a fixed IP address.

Other limitations can be some ISP's when trying to compete with the big boys (Virgin/Openreach) they use inferior quality network components and that can have impacts on
Your traffic is going to Manchester and then to London (ltw = London Telehouse West) but that might just be the way that Vodafone are managing the network in your area and the capacity on the links leaving Milton Keynes.

I'd suggest that you're going to struggle to get an ISP to care too much about pings while they are still sub-30ms. What you might find is that one day the routing changes and doesn't go via Manchester, but I wouldn't consider what you have to be unacceptable.

Going back the other way from a BT connection goes into Vodafone's network in London and then up to Manchester:

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

  1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms
  2     4 ms     4 ms     4 ms
  3     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  4     6 ms     6 ms     6 ms
  5     6 ms     6 ms     6 ms  core1-hu0-12-0-5.colindale.ukcore.bt.net []
  6     6 ms     6 ms     6 ms  peer7-et-3-0-1.telehouse.ukcore.bt.net []
  7     6 ms     6 ms     6 ms  166-49-128-32.gia.bt.net []
  8    17 ms     6 ms     6 ms  166-49-211-254.gia.bt.net []
  9     7 ms     7 ms     6 ms  ae1-xcr1.ltw.cw.net []
 10    12 ms    11 ms    11 ms  ae8-xcr1.man.cw.net []
 11     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 12     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 13     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 14     *        *     ^C
I can understand your frustration, I'm on BT (Plusnet) FTTC and get 12ms.

My mate who lived just up the road could get BT FTTP, he had 10ms.

I would be gutted if I moved and then had a worse ping.
If Vodafone don't have capacity on the MK (or wherever CityFibre hand things over) to Slough link then they might be going via Manchester. Were your friends connection and your built as different phases do you know? I would have assumed Vodafone would send MK traffic south but it might be waiting on capacity upgrades, and going via Manchester was seen as acceptable.
You should expect 2-3ms from MK > Telehouse, that is if you have a good connection and routing, at least with CityFibre Wholesale (enta) that is.
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