19" 1280 > 19" 1440 worth it?

21 Oct 2006
19" 1280 > 19" 1440 worth it? & FAO 22" users

Hello ladies and gents.

as the title of the thread says, i was wondering if many of you think that such a switch would be worth it?


I would consider a 22 LCD inch monitor if I wasn't so concerned about my FPS whilst running at native res. If you can convince me otherwise though, I'd be more than happy to listen.

I only really play CS;Source, 1.6, TM Nations and C&C3.. as far as source goes, at 1280*1024 I never really dip below 80fps (average 100-160), 70fps average on large 60 man servers etc, all settings maxed out.

C2D E6300 at stock
ATi X1950XT 256mb
GeiL 6400 (1GB)
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