19" lcd - Samsung 913N or 930BF?

27 Sep 2005
Cornwall / Helston
Hey guys i posted a while back about the 930bf and how i wanted 1. Right ive got some cash saved up and going to buy a screen but i need help deciding.

I use my pc for Web browsing and gaming. Now im not an avid gamer but do play games a fair bit, FPS, RF online, Rts. I know the 930bf will suit me down to the ground but was wondering if i could get away with a bit of a cheaper model.

Samsung SM-930BF
Samsung SM-913N

these are the only 2 i know about but what other screens would suit my needs with no ghosting in games? like i said dont care about dvd play back as i got a tv for that

I would have thought the 913N would do the job, I have the 930bf though and it is great with games so I would recommend that based on my experience with one. Any 913 owners prepared to comment?
The BF is the same panel as the N only with more aggressive overdrive, it's probably slightly better for gaming but if money is tight you'll more than likely find the N does everything you want it to.

Edit - I had the N on loan for a while and it was fine for games certainly I didn't have any issues with ghosting.
Can anyone with the Samsung SM-913N comment on it please with there experience with gaming as i would hate to spend £200 and be pee'd off

I dont know much about LCD but as far as i know there is a few problems u can get? Dead pixels, Ghosting and light bleed? i think thats right
the 913N is very very comparable to the 930BF anyway. Most average users would be hard pressed to tell a difference in responsiveness between the two, and since they are both based on the same TN Film panel from Samsung, other qualities are very similar. I would say that if you want to save money, the 913N is an excellent choice. As for comments about the 913N, check here :)

Dead pixels can still be a problem sometime, more info in the sticky about what you can do ab out them. Ghosting is not a major problem on modern TFT's, and many users find that TFT's are perfectly fine for gaming. There are obviosuly still some CRT fans out there who find it hard to adjust, which is fair enough, but for most users, modern screens like these are great for gaming. Light bleed can be an issue on some models, but not a known problem on the 913N or 930BF :)
Cheers Mr Baddass, i shall be ordering 1 next week :D

edit: should i be worried that its only vga not dvi? i have no idea
sometimes DVI can improve the image quality, but the VGA connection on the 913N is so good that it is very difficult to tell any difference between it and DVI on another similar monitor. There's a comment about it in that link above. Someone else recently bought a 913N and observed the same :)
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ That'll be me probably. Superb screen and don't worry about this dvi/analogue thing, theres no discernable difference on the 913N and I'm used to using DVI on a 17" Hitachi TFT.
ok cheers guys i shall whip 1 up monday :D

On a different note my mate just bought himself a xbox 360 and wants to buy a 19" widesceen for it, now the screen will only be used on the 360 as he has no pc. I haven't a clue what will be needed or if u can plug a lcd monitor straight into the 360? He wants to spend around £200 so i guess its out of the following:

Viewsonic VA1912W 19" Widescreen LCD Monitor - Black/Silver (MO-047-VS)


Acer AL1916W 19" Widescreen LCD Monitor - Black/Silver (MO-012-AC)

Would anyone be kind enough to tell me which would be best and also what if any extra leads he will need


what output is there from a 360? Those screens dont have composite or S Video inputs or anything, not sure if it will work? The two models listed both use the same 8ms Samsung TN Film panel anyway. so you can base the decision on looks, price and features :)
em not to sure but i know u can buy a vga adaptor

Taken from the console section

Q: Which connector standard is best then?

A: Here is a list of the available connector types, in rank order, the best quality at the bottom, the worst at the top. Remember, the differences may be only small, and some not noticable on how good/bad your TV is:

Composite (Yellow Single Connector)
S-Video (Not a massive jump in quality, but can be sharper picture)
RGB SCART (A better picture again)
Component HD / VGA HD (a big jump in quality, as there's a lot more on the screen)

Also please note that the Xbox 360 renders everything in 720p, and then scales up/down accordingly based on what your TV output is.

Any help?

A: It appears the Xbox 360 outputs the following 4:3 and 16:9 resolutions:
640x480 (4:3)
848x480 (16:9)
1024x768 (4:3)
1280x720 (16:9)
1280x768 (16:10)
1280x1024 (5:4)
1360x768 (16:9)
Some more questions about a tft ( i r a tft noob :P )

from what ive been reading i will want to set my refresh rate to 60 is this right?

With my crt i have vsync off, with a tft do i need it on or off?

Does the 913n have tilt? and am i right in thinking it doesn't have hight adjustment?
The 913N has tilt, but no height adjustment. refresh rate on on TFT's doesn't really matter as due to the way pixels "refresh" as it were, so you can leave it set to 60hz and you'll not notice any eyestrain inducing flickering. Someone here, maybe "baddass" can explain better. I believe that vsync on or off applies in much the same way to both TFTs and CRTs, best thing to do is try it out and see what suits you best.
as Pieman has said, the 913N does have a tilt adjustment. The recommended refresh rate for a TFT is 60Hz which is also the "optimum" refresh rate as documented in all TFT data sheets and manuals. Have a read about refresh rate here as well :) You may need vsync on with your TFT, but try the game first and see. If the screen and graphics card don't seem to be syncing well together, then vsync will be necessary
Cheers guys you've been really helpful over last couple days :) just need to get in town tomorrow to put money in the bank then i can order.

About vsync... i cant see myself noticing the difference between 60fps and higher so i will try with it on, if my pc dont push out at 60fps will that have an adverse effect? tearing etc?
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