1990s roof insulation Vs modern??

20 Jul 2007
A sunnier or damper area than Ron-ski....
Hi all,

Getting our roof replaced in a few months. We have an attic extension, so the insulation below the roof tiles is pretty key (rather than the usual piles of insulation you bung in the attic).

The extension was built in the early 1990s and it's a bit of an unknown what's under the roof tiles, but I'd be interested to know if there's any major difference between insulation put in in the 1990s and today.

I guess the two points would be

A) does insulation 'degrade' and reduce in effectiveness over 30 years

B) do modern celotex boards offer significantly better insulation than those in the 1990s

Can obviously ask the roofer's advice, but conscious that it's like asking a carpet fitter if I need to replace my underlay..... :D
20 Jul 2007
A sunnier or damper area than Ron-ski....
Yes, useful reminder - I'd originally looked at this and things like Tesla solar roof tiles which seem to have died a death (or at least underperformed and been very slow to roll out).

Had also looked at integrated panels like this, I believe they are less efficient for some reason.

It's an interesting thought - I'm not actually sure how much this would save as it might turn the roofing job into a building job (ie needing to coordinate two companies etc).

Might ask for a quote from roofer (ie how much would I save by not fitting X sq m of roof tiles).

I'd guess they'd also need to 'half do' the job - ie strip the whole current roof, re membrane etc then let the solar panel guys fit their bit, then go back and tile the rest, hence cost might actually increase in a way Vs 'get the roof done, then solar'.... Thoughts welcome!
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