1GB to 10GB symmetrical fibre... what hardware upgrades do I need (ideas listed)?

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You'll save a bunch of money. Let's be honest - you are unlikely to notice any difference between 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps for your WAN outside of speedtests and the odd download. Most internet won't be able to serve at that speed.
While I appreciate the concern, in all fairness you don't know about my use case and are just making default assumptions. I really don't need any advice other than what is listed in the OP ie: which is the best way to upgrade my internet/network hardware to being to 10G capable. If you can't help with that then please kindly stop wasting both our time with unnecessary tangents. Thanks. :)
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As much as I also don't want to be "that guy", but if you are looking at 10Gb and considering Asus Gaming Routers, then you are well out of your depth, and contrary to your above reply then your use case is entirely relevant.
If you "don't want to be that guy" then please explain to me, in a more constructive and less demeaning way, why buying a combined modem/router that has SPF+ and a 10G port, feeding data to 10GB switches and later further devices in a home network, makes me "out of my depth"? :Confused:
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Not with an ASUS gaming router as mentioned above. Do it properly, with hardware from a vendor that cares about consumers, or
What will the ASUS router not be able to do when acting as a gateway for the 10GB fibre that it then feeds to a switch and my PC? Are you saying it won't be able to do that? Serious question.
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Just go with what you think is best.
Several exceptionally helpful and experienced network people have given you advice that they don't stand to benefit from but you've not liked the answers so if you're going to disagree with sound advice then just take your pick but don't be surprised when your next thread of "my gaming router won't route 10Gb" you get an equal amount of "I told you so" responses.
I do not disagree with sound advice when it is given in a constructive manner. Unfortunately, this subsection seems to have some grumpy and jaded members who think the best way to give advice is by being a condescending *** (otherwise known as "that guy"). I will go elsewhere for advice on this particular topic.
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