1MB max for me, but why?

26 Nov 2002
Hi, need some adsl gurus to answer.

I live literally about 1 mile from the exchange, yet I can only get 1MB max, is this something I just have to accept, or could it be down to dodgy copper my end, that could maybe be replaced by BT if I complain enough?
think first thign firsts are post up your stats

ie snr and attenuation to help the guys work out what you should get,

and how do you have your setup goin from the master socket ? ie do you have any extensions etc
you won't get the copper replaced this lifetime. If you really bug them they might swap you to a different pair for your LL but we had to haggle for that and we are buying 1Mb leased lines at £XX,XXX a year. Home user probably will get blanked.
Could buy another line and then ditch the old one if the new one is better.
Its says 1mb, 512k or 256k. I should maybe try flexing to 2MB sometime, see what happens.

I'll get some router stats later, as Im at work currently.
you can try a modem that is betterat long lines. Speedtouch 510 is a good one at dealing with poor lines. you might be able to get a reasonable 2meg then, but if they say no, you probably will only get like 1.2-1.5Mbit down on a 2meg service.
If the checker says you will only get 1mbit, then thats what you will get. BT seem to stick to this religiously.

Only option would be to try ordering another line, and see if thats any better. Best to check your neighbours lines before hand though to see if the whole area is indicated as 1mbit max, or whether its just your single line.
You may only be a mile from the exchange but the line could go all over the place.

Basically, distance is pretty much irrelavent and you're unlikely to see much of an improvement.

What does it say if you put your postcode in to the BT checker?
Jez said:
If the checker says you will only get 1mbit, then thats what you will get. BT seem to stick to this religiously.

Unless you have stats within spec for more from a known-decent modem, in which case a decent ISP can push to get the database altered.

Like derbyjake said, need attenuation/SNR margin.
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