1st Line Support Interview

17 Aug 2010
Hi guys,

I've just got myself an interview at an IT company in 1st line support. There was a phone interview were he asked me questions about my experience and at the end offered me a face to face interview.

Im after some advice really. I am currently studying for my degree in Network Engineering and Systems Administration and am very passionate about everything IT related really I have got my CCNA1, 2, 3 exams done and currently am studying for CCNA 4. I have also had work experience working as part of a small IT team.

I have already informed my interviewer that I am studying at University and he seems fine with this.

So what sort of interview questions can I expect? How should I prepare for this interview?

Thanks for any advice you can give
What is it 1st line for? Basic PC support? Enterprise level application support? What industry is it for (e.g. a bank or a small company, etc)?

(I run enterprise application support teams for banks so if it's that, then I can probably give a reasonable idea).

The job is for a company that manages other peoples networks. So i'll be answering phone calls from people who are having problems and I guess remoting in and trying to solve the issues or passing it off to someone who can. From what I can gather its only a small business at the minute but I have to start somewhere.

Been applying for a while this is the first interview i've got.

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