1st time pc Builder

4 Jun 2006
Hello, I have decided to take the plunge and build my own pc, is it worth it? I currently have:-

Inten Pentium 2.8ghz Hyper Threading
Motherboard - Trigem Computer NETHERLANDS advent series - ISA AGP PCI 1MB USB Firewire
1GB DDR - SDRAM --- 2X 133 MHZ (266MHZ data rate)
Nvidea Geforce 6800 GT
DVD 6x
CD 52x
80 Gb Hardrive -- NTFS
G media AC97 Audi Device

I was going to buy a pre-built pc, but now Im looking to build my own.

I am looking to spend £1000 or less if possible, and want to run games such as Half Life 2 and Fear on full tilt.

What should I go for?

Thanks in advance
To be honest, it is less a need as a want. I have heard a lot about Conroe, but I have also heard it may not be out until August, and even then all the benchmarks are all heresay, nothing is fact? unless I have read incorrect.

From what I have been reading into, AMD are the better processors for gaming, but conroe is supposed to be cheaper and better the performance. Could get a mother board and graphics card, that would support Conroe now?
Yep you could get a motherboard now that has conroe support and get a cheap intel dual core until the conroe chips come out. Heres a list of boards that support conroe clicky
Thanks for the advise- what else should I but If Im starting from scratch-

for £1000?

Motherboard (supports Conroe or AMD)

Graphics Card (that can handle Fear with everything on?)

Ram (2g if possible)

Hardrive (good for games)

Tower Case

Anything else I may have missed - pc will be geared for gaming.
charlie1878 said:
Thanks for the advise- what else should I but If Im starting from scratch-

DVD-RW drives are cheap these days, add one to your list if you don't have one already.

Aftermarket heatsink as well if you want a bit more silence than the stock one.

With a £1000 budget, you can get a very good conroe rig next month
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