1T ?

Well when i changed from 4 sticks to 2 sticks and 2T to 1T my benchmark scores hardly changed, maybe by only 30 - 40 points. 3dm01 did increase a little more but only by a few hundred.
Try to run at 1T if possible, even if it means you have to run the memory on a divider.

If you have to run at 2T because you have 4 sticks don't worry, as said it is a little slower but not much, the speed difference will be greater in pure memory benchmarks but lower in actual games and programs.
ps2wizz said:
yeah ive herd that 2. on games like BF2 and DOOM it dose help on the loading time a lot

Simply having 2gb cuts down loading times massively though, so it'd be worth having 2gb at 2T over 1gb at 1T.
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