2.1 (or 3.1) + AVR setup wanted

6 Mar 2010
Just bought a new TV, and want a sound system to complement it. I very much enjoy watching movies, so that'll be the main usage, but of course for whatever random shows too. I don't/won't game on my TV.

Not really a sector I've needed to research before, so I'm completely green as to the good value or recommended brands/models. My main criteria:
  • I need an AVR as well as the speakers themselves
  • Budget of around £600-700 (I see second hand is almost always recommended for speakers, so I have no issue with that)
  • Looking at a 2.1 setup, or 3.1 if my budget allows. I will see how it goes, but I don't think I will need to look at the possibility to expanding to 5.1 or even 7.1, even in the (distant) future
  • If the AVR can connect to the TV and automatically power on without needing to faff with yet another controller, that'd be a huge bonus (a huge shame the Harmony remotes that everyone raves about has been killed...)

That's not a very large budget so try and get the lesser amount number of speakers you can. This 5.1 is already over your budget

As the AVR is £440 alone so that doesn't leave much for speakers. Probably best to get stereo speakers and buy sub and center later.
I'd just look on gumtree and see what's available in your local area for second hand, denon, yamaha avr, etc

For movies I'd strongly recommend 5.1, it makes immersion far greater. I'm using a 7.2.4 system, I'd say depending on room size, 7.1 is very good also.
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If I'm looking to piecemeal a setup, are there any features for the AVR I should specifically avoid or must-have? That's probably the part I have least experience with (basically none).
HDMI 2.0 for 4K support really. But if you have 1080p and have no plans for 4K, then HDMI 1.4 is fine.

Good room EQ will help but at your budget you're looking at "any budget AVR" .....rather than Anthem MRX 1140, Denon A110, or Trinnov Altitude 32.

Those Focal speakers would be brilliant first system, better than what I had for my first sound system by a long shot, and at £550 that's fantastic, for 5 speakers and a sub. I believe Focal can be a little bit bright but if you go for Yamaha that should sort that.
This is a bit old, but it's the flagship AVR at the time. It has HD Master and Dolby HD. But 1080p only..

It'll have plenty of grunt

If you want 4K you'll need a newer AVR than that Yamaha
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