2.1 speakers

28 Oct 2006
i've already got the 2.0 speakers, is it possible to get the .1 separately?

Obviously i know you can get bass speakers for cars etc, but can you buy computer bass speakers separately, or would i need to get the whole set?

If i can get one separate product names would be nice, if i can't are these worth it?

Creative Inspire T3100 2.1 Speakers - OEM (what better oem or not oem)

or should i be looking at spending more money? I'd rather £30 ish on just the pc sub you see!
the problem is with most 2.1 PC sets is that the sub acts as the amp aswell, so unless your 2.0 set have an amp and a sub channel line out it won't be easy.

some sound cards/ports do have a seperate sub out though, what sound card you using?
No problem just buy a active subwoofer, take output from your sub/centre output using the sub channel of course. Need to fiddle so get a good integrated between your sat and sub.

Although for a £30 sub I wouldn't bother, had a couple of Yamaha YST's and blooming terrible, and cheaper subs are even worse - the sub in the FPS system was crap.
Nope. Not being elitist, normally I'll say "need to spend £1000 on a sub" but for £30 you'll get a boomy, mid-woofer.
Get something like a Paradigm PDR-8/10 as a minimum.
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