2.5k gaming rig & part time miner

1 Jan 2018

As the title suggests,

I'm looking at putting together a gaming rig, for the last few years I've been buying gaming laptop's, thanks to work/travel. But now I'm looking at getting a nice old desktop back.

Secondly, I'm changing energy supplier which gives me free economy 7 electric (free at night).
I've done a bit of testing with XMR and my current laptop 6700hq i7 ~ 980GTXm with reasonable results, so why not give it a bash it'll be free and the hardware will be off or idle at that time.
But the primary objective is a gaming rig & liquid cooled.

Heres my basket, it's been a few years since I had to put hardware together so inspiration is welcomed!

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £2,518.13 (includes shipping: £14.70)​

shame all the liquid cooled 1080ti's are out of stock.

Thanks for your time!
When you say water , do you mean closed loop units like you've listed above or would you be happy to build a water loop yourself ?

Also coffeelake i5 8600k or i7 8700k is better value for money as they are now 6 cores instead of 4 like the one you've listed :)
Though you do have the option to slap in a 18core.monster with that x299 socket in the future :D

Hi orbitalwalsh

thanks for popping in, your right!
I've had a read up (still rusty).
How does the i7-7820X sound?
I have no issue making a loop, I've not done it before but how hard can it be.
is the 7820x not better? with 8 core +16 threads @ very similar speeds
I guess it's price/performance?
on the loop making side,
Do you put everything in parallel or run everything in series? (ie)
Pump > CPU > GPU > radiator ?

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