2 fans stuck together or a thicker fan?

18 Oct 2005
Just wondering, would I be getter to attach 2 apache blacks together (kind of like push pull except no rad inbetween) to increase airflow from my intake, or better to get a thicker fan (38mm like the ultra kaze). Noise is a factor but i need more airflow from my intake!

Thicker fans do 2 things. They increase airflow and increase static pressure when compared with thinner fans of the same design and RPM.

A number of things can be done to improve airflow:

1. Increase RPM
2. Increase fan depth
3. Direct airflow to the hot parts of the computer. Some people produce getto baffles from ceriel packets - but be careful it doesn't get hot enough to set anything on fire!
4. Choose a fan better at airflow for a given level of noise/backpressure
5. Remove backpressure normally done by cutting away un-needed metal from the case that the resticts airflow - be very careful of sharp edges, make sure you have safety equipment e.g. hand, eye, breathing and ear protection

For case fans I would expect low backpressure (unless the case has a very restrictive mesh covering the intake). For case fans I would consider scythe's very impressive slipstream series of fans which are poor at handling backpressure but produce a large amount of airflow in unrestricted environments for a given level of noise.

I know this doesn't help the OP who has already purchased a fan, but others may find this useful.

My 1 intake does have a dust filter and a futher plastic cover (its an antec p180 case). Dunno if that would be considered restrictive.

How do I know if there's high backpressure? bit of a noob with that tbh!

EDIT: also, would you know fi the ultra kaze would work out better in my case or the slip stream 1900?
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