2 Frying pans in 4 months...Spec me a new Frying pan!

Carbon steel! I have some de Buyer acier carbon steel frying pans which are great. I bought mine from knives and tools: https://uk.knivesandtools.eu/en/ct/de-buyer-pans.htm .

If you go cast iron or carbon steel you need to research how to make them non-stick (known as "seasoning"). It's pretty easy and there's lots of info on YouTube. Basically you want them to look completely black rather than the shiny silver like they come. In a very very short nutshell it's basically just a case of coating them in oil and sticking them in the oven for an hour or two. I just used normal olive oil rather than flax seed, but anyway:

* I actually bought from their EU store because it was a few quid cheaper for each pan than the UK store and was free delivery, just use the translate option in Chrome. They came in a couple of days. Check their French site, German site or Netherlands site - each have slightly different prices.

Thanks everyone for all the suggestions.

Yeah I'm going for the 24cm B Element pan mate :)

Probably nothing to do with the utensils most non stick pans die from over heating it's ridiculously easy to do especially if you are into dry frying things which I can't see a good reason for!

I'll spray some olive oil in...But greasy fried eggs make me Bork!

I forgot to mention....I needed a pan I could whack in the oven too. Missed that element. And it makes things easier ,cause I'm lazy, to stick to low fat meals...

The https://uk.knivesandtools.eu/en/pt/-de-buyer-mineral-b-element-frying-pan-24cm-5610-24.htm fits the bill!
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The bottom section joined to the pan is just over 1cm thick, but it's hard to tell if it's a solid piece stuck on or a hollow piece shaped around the base of the main pan. Feels solid enough though. I've done a quick video and tapped both pans. Maybe you can tell by the sounds? :D

Typical drummer :D

I've bought the De Buyer one...fancy a play with the seasoning aspect plus I can bang it in the oven for stuff...

I'll do a video of before seasoning and after :D my goal is a deep black patina :p
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