2 Jobs, what would you choose...

18 Oct 2002
Somewhere in the middle.
Basically im in a situation,

Im working at Marks and Spencers at the minute, The job is pretty straight forward, a bit boring at times. but im only planning to work here a short while.

I have a job offer for Nissan, on the production line. This job is seriously mundane, its gotta be... doing the same stuff over and over all day long, and not being able to stop for a wee etc without being timed.

M+S is literally 2 minutes from my house, Nissan is about 6 miles.

M+S pays 5.60ph, Nissan pays 9.10ph.

Do i risk my happiness in Marsies, for the offer of good cash?

How would you approach this?

Im thinking i should just grin and bare the boring work at nissan, and think of the heftier pay packet.
Ill give you a quick rundown of my situation regarding gas fitter etc.

I was an apprentice gas fitter along with 14 other lads.

Our employers sent us to a college in Sunderland, this college was understaffed, and over populated with people trying to learn a trade. After years of complaints from us that we werent being put into exams, and that we were not given proper tests etc, our employers still took no notice.

The 4yr apprenticeship ran into 5 years and they never said a word, simply let us carry on as usual, albeit totally behind on coursework. Bang on 5yrs they finished all but 2 of us. These 2 who are kept on, are still not qualified.

So i lost my job... without my NVQ backing me up(well, it was delayed coming through), i was having a struggle getting a job.

So i was doing a few cash in hand jobs on the side, and being a bit silly with cash i was in debt etc...


I got my tools robbed, so work ground to a halt.

Now a few month down the line i need cash to pay for my gas course, and clear some debts to get back on my feet.

Damn im answering my own question here.

Guess i gotta follow the money.

Forgot to mention, Nissan is rolling temp work. There is at least 6month work there but hopefully i will be back on my feet by then!.
AcidHell2 said:
as you said, nissan is the way forward, sometime it's worth doing a rubbish job, if it's just the money you need.

Yeah ive gave it some thought and I think your right. M+S is pretty boring work too, fair enough its more varied, but it pays pennies in comparison to nissan.

Some downsides, other than the mundane style of work, at Nissan is that...

You gotta put your hand up and get timed on toilet breaks as stopping the line costs money!
Overtime is mandatory, you cant get out of it if you are on early shift.
Saturdays are also compulsary if you are on early shift.

But on the plus side all this overtime pays well.. and potentially a month of OT will see me coming out with about 1700 after tax
Deluxe1 said:
Got a few mates that work for nissan and they hate it,always moaning about it.

One of them has just left after 15 years.

Yeah i have 3 mates working there, and none are exactly over the moon about it lol.

I think ive gotta just switch off and give it a go.

Forgot to mention that i have a line test first, where i just go see how i feel about it for a few hours.

With everything i say, i realise how silly i was in asking for advice in the first place! haha
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