2 pci sound cards possible?

29 Jun 2004
i know there is little point but if it was available would 2 soundcards be ok, would they work? i have a azeuntech prelude 7.1 and am looking the get the new asus one. any thoughts?
Theoretically yes I guess...

As it's two seperate pieces of hardware, you should be able to just installed both sets of drivers, and both sets of software suits.

Then in windows you would no doubt have to select which one is the default card for outputting sound and which uses the Mic functions...

Never tried it myself though personally.

Think we had a view systems come through work where they have had an image installed, plus a sound card added...And it saw both, but obviously the onboard was disabled eventually as yeah, it's kinda pointless. :)
i mean i was having problems with my azeuntech card(stuttering) a reinstall has stopped this, but in the mean time i got the asus xonar as i was going to sell the auzeuntech card. I guess there is no need for two cards, i would have connected one via digital and one via coax. But like you say i might aswell send it back!!

unless some one convinces me to cards is a good idea lol
Not really, unless one card has features that the other doesn't, and you need those specific features for a Hi-fi setup or something...

Or if you want two sound systems :p
you can have as many cards as you like.

More soundcards = > E-soundcard-penis :D

Il be getting a 2nd cheapy one soon to run PC speakers off and connect up my mic, as my emu only has and RCA cable to connect up to an amp, but no amp to mate with.
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