2 quests.... 1 account.

23 May 2006
sorry if this question is so obvious it is stupid but just double checking.

I currently have a quest 2.......... i am thinking about buying a quest pro. IF i do, can i be signed into both headsets at the same time or will 1 automatically block the other if it is on?

i have a 7 year old who has the odd blap in VR, if i was able to play him at the odd game for small periods of time without rebuying it would definitely push me towards the pruchase.

ie could we both play eleven table tennis or walk about mini golf together even tho i have only 1 copy of the game?

sorry if this question is so obvious it is stupid but just double checking.

I currently have a quest 2.......... i am thinking about buying a quest pro. IF i do, can i be signed into both headsets at the same time or will 1 automatically block the other if it is on?

i have a 7 year old who has the odd blap in VR, if i was able to play him at the odd game for small periods of time without rebuying it would definitely push me towards the pruchase.

ie could we both play eleven table tennis or walk about mini golf together even tho i have only 1 copy of the game?

I'm not speaking from experience here, i doubt you could do that.
I think you can do this through app sharing. It's a developer opt-in if I remember correctly, so not all apps and games can be shared.

@Ravenger would know better, but I think you login to a headset with the main account. Then you turn on app sharing and add a sub account and share the games/apps you want to play with that sub account. You should be able to play against each other.
My son uses his own quest 2 which has my account as the main account.. but he also has his own account on there.. and we can play mini golf together.. if he uses his own account.. even though only my account has purchased mini golf.

edit: forgot to add it doesn't work if we both try to use my main account in the same game..

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Have to use different accounts to play the same game, however you should be able to do it as family sharing.

Set your account up as the main account on both devices, then setup a secondary account (use your wife's details or something), and then you should be able to play together. It's how it used to be, I've not done it since they switched to meta accounts since I never got around to updating the wifes account.
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