2 simple questions! :)

20 Aug 2007
Hi guys, 2 quick questions if someone can advise! :)


Does anyone know where I can get some new gear rubbers (is that the right name?) Mine are rather worn, see picture!


Are they generic or very specific? Bike is lexmoto xtrs 125 (chinese rip off of a honda cbr 125)


Is this chain too loose? I've had a few issues with it recently and had a few people who know more than me tinker with it, I'm still unsure so I'd like a more general consensus:

Thanks all! :)
A rule of thumb (very rough rule of thumb) is that a chain should have 10 mm of vertical movement at the mid point of the run.

Rubbers, I'd just hit the local bike breaker.
Be careful to spin the wheel and check the whole chain as you can get tight spots.
I'd check the manufacturers guidelines for chain tension as on my ZX6R it's an inch and a half which is a lot more than the 10mm rule I have used in the past.

Plus like One said check it in the tightest spot.
Looks very loose to me, but as said check it at it tightest and check the manufacturers guidelines.

Having the chain too tight will ruin your sprockets and potentially lead to more damage
10mm is very tight. Manual for my Blade recommends 50mm of movement at the centre of the chain run. Worth checking with the suspension loaded too, some bikes have less than optimal chain runs and the chain tightens the more the suspension is loaded.
you can tell just a slight wiggle

in your video you want it half that distance/movement,as for gearchange rubber ask at any bike shop they should get you one for your make/model bike

when adjusting it make sure you have each adjusting mark the same for each side,
10mm is very tight. Manual for my Blade recommends 50mm of movement at the centre of the chain run. Worth checking with the suspension loaded too, some bikes have less than optimal chain runs and the chain tightens the more the suspension is loaded.

It's 10mm up and down so 20mm total is what I should have said.
Chain looks a little tight if anything. The chain will tighten when the suspension is loaded up, so get someone to sit on the bike (with it off the stand) and check you still have some slack.

The rubber is not exactly a generic part, i.e. different bikes use different designs, but it's possible other Chinese 125's will use the same part. Lexmoto only seem to list the entire gear lever for the XTRS rather than a separate rubber part which is surprising.

It's quite a large internal diameter compared to many bikes, so you might be able to use a suitable bit of rubber hose (e.g. car heater hose).
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Thanks for your help all! Mixed replies on chain, I guess it's very bike dependent, wonder if it will make it till it's next scheduled service? (7000km, it's at 4990km at the moment)

I'm also tempted just to use rubber hose, I'd rather not pay to replace the entire lever! :)
One more point, my chain has got loose again it seems, guessing it's knackered, wheel is almost back to the end!

I can get the chain replaced and fitted for £35 but I have to ride about 50 miles to do so, what's the worse that could happen riding with a loose chain? Does it just make lots of noise or is it potentially dangerous? (please forgive my ignorance, fairly new rider)

it will fly off the sprockets and could get jammed,can also snap the spokes in your rear wheel if it gets snagged

you'll be ok if you take it steady,just take asmuch slack out as you can,if the adjustment is almost at the end then you need new chain
it will fly off the sprockets and could get jammed,can also snap the spokes in your rear wheel if it gets snagged

you'll be ok if you take it steady,just take asmuch slack out as you can,if the adjustment is almost at the end then you need new chain

Hmm, steady speed or acceleration wise? Or both? :P

Hopefully it won't fly off mind, and my wheels are the spokeless ones, well the thick solid 5/6 big spoke type? (Idk the proper name! :o)
One more point, my chain has got loose again it seems, guessing it's knackered, wheel is almost back to the end!

I can get the chain replaced and fitted for £35 but I have to ride about 50 miles to do so, what's the worse that could happen riding with a loose chain? Does it just make lots of noise or is it potentially dangerous? (please forgive my ignorance, fairly new rider)


A little too loose is better than too tight. If it's very loose then you risk the chain slipping on the sprockets and potentially coming off which could cause damage.

If you have been over-tightening the chain then it will wear very quickly, but that said the OEM chains on the Chinese 125s are made of plasticine. Make sure you replace it with a decent quality chain (e.g. DID, RK, Tsubaki, Regina etc.) and change the sprockets if they are showing any signs of wear otherwise your new chain will also wear quickly.
One more point, my chain has got loose again it seems, guessing it's knackered, wheel is almost back to the end!

I can get the chain replaced and fitted for £35 but I have to ride about 50 miles to do so, what's the worse that could happen riding with a loose chain? Does it just make lots of noise or is it potentially dangerous? (please forgive my ignorance, fairly new rider)


Dam age to the sprockets is the main one, but you should get them repalced as a set really. as worn sprokets wil lwear a new chain quickly.
Wondering if it's possible to use a more expensive chain/sprockets in place of the chinese ones that I can get on warranty - will it be a longevity increase or will I notice anything in how the bike rides/accelerates?
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