2 sticks fine 4 sticks bleh

18 Oct 2002
Started getting a load of crashes last night and decided to run memtest on my memory, didn't take long for it to start firing out errors.


Ended up taking the ram out and testing 2 sticks at a time expecting 1 set to be wonky...to my chagrin both sets of ram passed 4 runs of memtest. The ram was running in DOCP mode (3600mhz) in both 4 stick and 2 stick configs so not entirely sure what the issue would be, they're capable of it separately but together it fires out errors. Wondering if its worthwhile to ratchet the voltage up a bit from the 1.35 it sits at by default?
Gonna try knocking the ram volts up a bit then go on from there, my bios version is the latest according to the asus driver page. Odd it just started to happen last night so was almost certain some of the ram was at fault.
Gonna try knocking the ram volts up a bit then go on from there, my bios version is the latest according to the asus driver page. Odd it just started to happen last night so was almost certain some of the ram was at fault.

Check one known good stick in each slot one at a time, to rule out a bad ram slot or a cpu cooler that was put on too tight and messing up a slot.

If all slots come out clear and good, try all 4 sticks again and lower to 3200mhz, just load the XMP and bring down the ram from 3600 to 3200mhz as a test, if they don't fail at 3200mhz then the cpu or motherboard maybe the weak link for 4 sticks at 3600mhz. If it fails at 3200 set to xmp off and test again. If they fail with xmp off, maybe time to check the QVL RAM list for your motherboard to make sure they are compatible with the motherboard. X570 and B550 are a pain with ram that maybe not on the QVL.

Also make sure if on the QVL that ram works with 4 sticks, sometimes only 2 sticks will work that the QVL will state.
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