2 things that bother me when I have nothing else to do

18 Oct 2002
1) People finishing a sentence with "so...."

I mean for crying out loud :mad: You have started making a point, you are now wrapping your argument up, so back it up and give it the treatment it deserves, do not leave it hanging in mid-air, expecting me to finish your point/idea/argument! :mad:

You want to say something, SAY IT. Don't stop in mid-sentence.

2) Women wearing ballet shoes.

What's wrong with you :confused: Seriously :confused: You look like tramps wearing them. Do you not have any fashion sense? Don't you realise that you look absolutely ***** wearing that rubbish!? Wear REAL shoes, for crying out loud!

/rants :p
Hey, I said in the title, these things nark me off when I'm bored, not all the time :p

I do believe that I have made this point clear, so....

See how annoying it is!? :D

yeah, I mean those odd slipper thingies, they look like ballet shoes to me. Seriously, whats up with that?!
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