2 Year Old Dies After Drinking Methadone.

That's just horrific. How could someone leave something like that where a child would find it?? I'm sure that heroin addicts make great parents too, but it makes you wonder why he hadn't been taken into care. Poor little thing
Saying that Scotland has a high level of drug problems is true, we also have good rehab units. On Saturday a man rang the doorbell selling kitchen things like dusters and cloths. He explained how he had been through rehab and was now trying to get his life back on track.
Unfortunatly Scottish Schools aren't giving a good level of drug education and i can say that having been through it. It actually makes me sick when i overhear what the kids in the school i go to get up to at the weekends. Drinking and drugs seems to be a part of every weekend.
I really believe that we need more work in schools, luckly it seems in the better areas of all the main cities that things are improving.
Glasgow still has huge areas of extreme poverty, having worked in several areas such as the Gorbals (despite their rejuvenation claims) i can honestly say i have felt scared to be out in the streets even in broad daylight, particularly around the areas with high rise flats.
Bit of an odd point, but how did it get the bottle open? Surely the cap would've been child-proof.

Oh wait... junkie parents - why are they allowed children?
Nix said:
Bit of an odd point, but how did it get the bottle open? Surely the cap would've been child-proof.

Oh wait... junkie parents - why are they allowed children?
Its Scotland, we have a stupidly high teen pregancy rate. As mentioned there are slums and places you just don't want to be at night. You can't stop addicts having children, a lot of them have little to no education and its hard to explain things to them.
tbh i dont think they need more school education, just learn about respect the hard way, a good smack when they're young (not hard or often)
i dont see how schools can educating them can help? i mean if your teaching them about it how's that gonna help them? most teenagers drink etc so i cant see how teaching them that x pints could cause kidney failure after x years is going to remove the issue of drinking at a young age.
Blackstar said:
Unfortunatly Scottish Schools aren't giving a good level of drug education and i can say that having been through it. It actually makes me sick when i overhear what the kids in the school i go to get up to at the weekends. Drinking and drugs seems to be a part of every weekend.
I really believe that we need more work in schools, luckly it seems in the better areas of all the main cities that things are improving.
Firstly I contest whether drug use is actually bad (yet its indirect effects are obviously terrible in this instance). I completely disagree with you about needing more drugs education in schools. It does nothing to stop kids doing drugs, it teaches nothing about harm reduction and is just there to put ministers' and parents' consciences at ease. What is really needed is to remove the poverty in cities like Glasgow (and there is a large amount of poverty in rural areas too) which will inevitably hugely decrease the levels of problematic drug addicts.
drug abusing parents dont deserve to look after their kids.. theyre just plain selfish. do they actually feel remorse or are they still thinking about where their next hit will be coming from?
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