20" 4:3 tft

7 Jan 2003
only aware of the samsung 204B and viewsonic vp 2030P offerings at this size.

anyone offer any other choices as I dont want a ws?

ps Is the Viewsonic a TN panel?
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THC_SsSsSnake said:
only aware of the samsung 204B and viewsonic vp 2030P offerings at this size.

anyone offer any other choices as I dont want a ws?

ps Is the Viewsonic a TN panel?

The Viewsonic VP2030B is an 8ms AU Optronics P-MVA panel, you can use the panel search tool hereif you need to check what panels certain models use :) There is also the Dell 2001FP and new 2007FP which is imminent in the 20" 4:3 format. If you type in 20" into the "panel" search option it shows you LOADS of 20" models :)
The Viewsonic VP2030B was found to leave a slight red trail on a blue background with a mouse by one reviewer,yet the Viewsonic vx922 whilst being very good for games is limited to 1280X1024.

Please what would be better,a higher res or faster display?

thankyou very much
VP930 was the one I meant that had a slight trail on the review.It said the 2030b was the big brother so I thought it may be similar.
Is the 2030b similar spec as i cant find any reviews on those?
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