£20 birthday money to spend on steam..

30 Mar 2016
East Lothian
Recommendations? I'm looking for a good single player campaign - can be any game from the last 5-6 years that I may have missed. The games I have enjoyed the most over the past few years are:

The new Tomb Raiders
All the Bioshock games
Resident Evil 4,5,6
Far Cry 3,4
Dead Island

Any classic action/adventure time games I've missed not listed above?
Put it towards Witcher 3 and don't look back :)
An amazing game that I didn't even think would be my cup of tea, but you just get sucked into the story and enjoy every minute.
The new tomb raider is good.
Dying Light is definitely worth it too.

Put it towards Witcher 3 and don't look back :)
An amazing game that I didn't even think would be my cup of tea, but you just get sucked into the story and enjoy every minute.
The new tomb raider is good.
Dying Light is definitely worth it too.


This man knows what he's talking about :)
go to G2A, move the slider to £5 and enjoy 4 decent games

Edit: Just tried it myself

Shadow of Mordor: £3.50
Batman Arkham City: £1.55
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood : £4.51
Crysis 3: £4.81

is what I would get personally but you can choose yourself
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Thanks all for the suggestions. I have Shadow of Mordor, Arkham City & Wolfenstien: The Old blood already. Dying Light is out of the price range this time around. I played Witcher 2 up until I got to shag the elf then kinda gave up on it - found the combat system and menu systems annoying and never quite got to grips with them. Have they changed much for Witcher 3?

I've ended up buying PainKiller: Hell & Damnation and the complete F.E.A.R package with is £8.99 for all 3 + DLCs today only on Steam.

I just tried to get Crysis 3 for G2A but I always have issues checking out on that site - this is the second time in a row I haven't been able to pay for what I want?...

I really fancy Life is Strange but think I'll wait to pay day and buy all the episodes...

Thanks again all for your input.
Shadow of Mordor? Heard it's a bit like Tomb Raider mechanically, It's a game i'll buy soon I think.

Shadow of Mordor is great game and is reduced on Steam right now. It looks stunning and stabbing an orc through the face never tires. Although it's much closer to the Assassin's Creed games with Batman style combat than Tomb raider.
How on earth did you enjoy RE6? that game was abysmal.

lol. yeah it was a bit awkward to get to grips with, some of the camera angles were terrible and the 'Chris' campaign with the 'zombies' with guns was a bit boring but there is just something about the story, cheesy voice overs and presentation that I'm a sucker for. I love the way these types of games make you feel like your 'playing a movie'. The naked bird's metamorphasis into a she-bitch monster zombie thing in Leon's campaign was epic! :cool:
Ha ha. Sweet. I'm a huge fan of cult horror movies but amazingly never got round to seeing the Leprechaun films. Which one is considered to be the best, or should I say 'worst'?

I've actually not got round to seeing them despite having similar interests in bad films. I think the one set in space has the Leprechaun emerging from..er..somewhere bad.
I've actually not got round to seeing them despite having similar interests in bad films. I think the one set in space has the Leprechaun emerging from..er..somewhere bad.

lol sounds delightful! Actually the whole premise of a 'Leprechaun in Space' kinda guarantees that I would really enjoy this movie! Must check it out...
You don't need much more to get this...


Honestly, the only thing stopping me from being seriously interested in VR is that at the moment, from my family and partner's point of view, it's bad enough that I spend every spare minute I get sat at the computer and playing games - but adding headphones and blindfolding me just seems a step to far removed from everyone else. I would personally love it but not sure my relationship is strong enough for VR!!
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