Much better, and you can reduce that to £20 as that logi mic is way too expensive. My desktop mic cost me £2, but also use google to search for elara clip on mic, a number of poeple on here use them.
The logis get good reviews because they are reviewed by pc people and gamers, not people who have heard a good sound system, They think the logi z5500s are the best 5.1 system. A cheap 5.1 system is just that, cheap tatty little speakers with tiny silly drivers. For the price at £85 the aegos are good value, but if you really really must have 5.1 then go for the logitech g51 you suggested. Depends on your priorities, the headphones will be awesome for gaming and the aegos for music, but won't be 5.1.
You will love that setup, will sound awesome.
But check the connection on the zonar, you might need a convert for the headphones.