£200 to spend on upgrades

24 Oct 2002
Right, basically as my system is starting to look very dated, and being a poor student i havent got much to spend...

my system is as follows..

abit nf7-s v2 i think is the mobo
xp 2500+
512mb geil value pc3200 (2x256mb i think)
80gb HD
radeon 9800 pro

i'm only looking to delay the life of the system to be able to play pro evo 5, need for speed most wanted type of gameage etc.

You should be able to sell the nf7-s and xp2500 and get close to £100 for them on ebay; i sold my nf7-s v2 the other week for £50 and my xp2100 for about £35, so as your processor is a barton i presume it is most likely a good clocker so u should get a bit extra for it.

so that should increase your spending to about £300.

Get the asrock 939dual-sata2 board, it accepts both agp and pci-e gfx cards, its a great mobo and can be had for about £40 online.

For a CPU i would recommend an opteron 144/146, they can be had for about £100 -£130 if you look hard enough, but it is probably worth it if u can stretch to the 146. Overclock this baby and u will have a chip that performs very close to an FX55 / FX57.

So that should set u back about £170 max. Now what u do for graphics is your choice...you can use your 9800pro for a little longer and save up a bit more and then sell it and get something like a 7900GT on pci express; i dont know too much about new gfx cards as im still using my 6800nu from when it was first released.

However i have a an opteron 144 running at 2.5Ghz with the asrock and it is a great combination for a student just like u and me! its a great system on a budget!

EDIT: forgot that you need some more ram! add in another 512 or a 1GB of the geil stuff too!! i guess that changes thing, but definately go for an opteron with the asrock board to start with!
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I would be tempted to put it all in to a graphics card and another 512 memory if your going to upgrade soon anyway. It will give you the best icrease in gaming performace.
Jack Bauer said:
I would be tempted to put it all in to a graphics card and another 512 memory if your going to upgrade soon anyway. It will give you the best icrease in gaming performace.

what graphics and ram should i get then? thinking of going for some more geil ram for a start, but not sure about graphics?
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