2000 Ford Mondea HE ST24. Anyone here own one?



26 Jun 2005
So does anyone here own one? What would they be like for a first car? Would u recomend one to me?
Tell me what u think of them if u own one.
I found one quite keep for what it is and i liked the looks of it. I wont be doing too much city driving so fuel effiency isnt too important.
Insurance souldnt be too much of an issue because ill just pay it off with 1 or 2 weeks pay and go with out anything else for those weeks.

What should i look out for?
DezUk said:
In my opinion they are great cars for the money and offer up some good performance. I have to agree with others regarding the fuel costs but one tip can can offer is unichip. I had one of these fitted and it made a big difference to my fuel comsumption.

How much would a unichip cost? Also how much of a difference do they make and what do they do?
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