200N gone Pop!

18 Oct 2002
Santa Barbara, Californee
Hi all,

Haven't paid any attention whatsoever to goings-on in the computer world for the last 18 months as my 200N has been running nicely...until now..:(

So, now I need to find a replacement preferably sub-£100.

Am quite tempted by the MicroATX with the Antec Aria route, but would need to find a SocketA motherboard with onboard VGA, 5.1 sound with SPDIF, LAN & SATA..but have no idea what's out there...!

Any ideas? :)

Much thanks in advance!
Socket A stuff is really hard to get hold of at the moment as it was discontinued last year

If you can get an nForce 2 based board with the onboard GF4 MX graphics. This are good stable boards. The Aria is a nice case too

EDIT: Go for one of these: http://uk.asus.com/products3.aspx?l1=3&l2=13&l3=59&slname=NVIDIA nForce2 IGP

The A7N8X-VM/400 supports the 400fsb CPUs (like the XP3200+) whereas the A7N8X-VM doesn't
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