200sx drift/track car research

28 Sep 2003
Leamington Spa
Me and my mate have both started putting a bit of money away in the hopes of one day in the not too distant future getting our hands on a 200sx or similar car for track and drifting purposes.

The current plan is to only insure it to and from events, and leave it in some nice storage the rest of the time. I don't think either of us could afford to run the car as a daily driver.

So basically I just wonderd what tips and info you could give me? How much for a decent one? (It doesn't have to be modded (at first!) as we'd like to grow into the power of a car like that.) What sort of prices are we talking for mods?

and erm, just anything you can tell me!

cheers :]
what sorta money are we talking for larger upgrades? I don't want to carry them out straight away as I'm not even going to pretend I could drive it without dying :) It's more for a kind of future proofing... so we can keep adding to this car and not have to get another one if we out outgrew it!


How much does a decent s14 go for? the s13 looks good.. but the s14 looks tempting, obviously depending on how much more they go for!
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I dont really see the attraction people have with drifitng. Track days on the other hand

What can I say, seen enough drifting to know 'I want to do that!' but each to thier own! I'm well up for track days too!

costs will onyl go up if u need the parts fitting by a mechanic.. hours of labour will equal parts clost i reckon.

thankfully, my father should have no problem fitting the stuff - and I'm hoping to learn a few things at the same time!

edit: whoops, missed a few :)

Why not consider rallying rather than the rather stupid sport that is drifting? You get to do all the drifting you want on gravel stages, with the bonus that you win by driving quickly rather than performing perfect 60 degree drifts. It's a far more accessable grass-roots motorsport as well, you don't need to spend a fortune to make a competitive car for local events, and there are many events held all over the country.

Yes, we had still thought about this, and if I'm 100% we could still change our minds between now and when we raise the cash for the car. The amount of times we've almost bought a 205gti to do up ... well ;) The title is *research*... just wanted to see what was what. In other words, expect to see a thread asking about rallying again soon :D

Also, thanks bear for the advice. Wasn't planning to go mad with the power before getting the car up to spec - was just curious to see how much money we were talking for more :)
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Round and round in circles.... it just seems a bit robotic to me.
I can understand people getting enjoyment from it but I'd prefer to try and beat the stopwatch/other guy.
I think it's more fun to have an unknown road fold out in front of you - you're thrown in with little or no preparation, you have to deal with each situation as it comes, constantly improvising rather than learning each corner by repeating it time and again.

Yep, I can see what you're saying. I want to do both drifting on a track and road rally type stuff - sadly I can only afford to do one at a time ;)
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