2013 bike meet!



31 Jul 2006
How about another bike meet this year in the first weekend of May?

I propose we start at H cafe in Oxford, www.h-cafe.co.uk/ then to Loomies Cafe Alton, www.loomies.co.uk/about.htm, then to Rykas cafe, www.boxhill.co.uk/information/where.htm

Some good roads to be had with plenty of brew stops.

What you guys think?


how does this look for a route?

shall we set a date and time?

How about Sunday 5 May 13 at 1100 hrs?


edd1e. Daytona 675R
metbandit1. Street Triple R
ElliorR. ER6f
Gillywibble. GSX1250FA
PU7E. SV1k
Rilot. Aprilia Tuono
Famas. R6
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Oxford is miiiles from me

So do what the southerners did last year set a meet point and all ride together. I think there was 5 of us on the ride to Hinckley last year before we met all the others.

It was a great day last year.
Just a quick bump to the top, I'm in Australia for the next 5 weeks.

Metabandit1 get your bike sorted.
Updated names, if missed you or your bike just post it up and I will add you/it to the list. Looking good guys.
This is looking to be a good day. One thing, if we meet at the H Cafe at 1100 it's probably going to be busy so we'll have to have some way of recognising each other. I think I can remember how metbandit1 looks, plus he'll be on a triple with arrow cans, but I popped down there the other weekend and it was heaving with bikes.

Good point, what I will do is print some maps of, of the route and stick them on my screen. Will have an OCUK logo clearly marked. My bike is a 62 plate triple black GSA.
Great ride out, was good showing the sports bikes how to go fast, love eddies 675, wish I was a foot shorter and 7 stone lighter.

Looking forward to the vids.

Sorry can't remember your name but the brummy on the badit hope you got some good stuff of me.
I had too, in order to catch you guys after leaving the H.. I got stuck at that roundabout when leaving the cafe so I gave it a fistfull to catch up, wobbled all the way down to the 2nd roundabout :D

Did any of you hear the 'pop pop bang pop bang pop pop' as I cought up? It gave off some serious over-run as I dropped the throttle as we approached shillingford.

What was your bike.
As others have said the pace was far from fast, and we never pushed anyone to keep up, nor did we lose anybody, at every junction we would wait for everyone to regroup.

Oh and all these near misses happened when dsb was leading not me.... :D haha

Passing the buck!!!

Neither incident was a result of group riding, both rider error, either a lack of concentration or misjudgement. The pace was fine, maps and postcodes were given at he start so nobody HAD to keep up. I did not see a single person in the group pushing anyone else or riding like a tool. And all in, other than a bit of geographical embarrassment (fireskulls fault) I think we all had a great day.
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