2024 Chilli Growing Thread

3 May 2012
Off the ball this year, usually try and get them in early Jan.

Ordered some Scotch Bonnet seeds from South Devon Chilli Farm, had good success with their seeds last year.

I like Scotch Bonnets they are probably my favourite of all, but they are quite hot, on the limit really of still just about being practical to use.
I've kept mine from last year, pruned and in an unheated mini greenhouse, hopefully they will take off again this year.

This year's seeds are a mix, Medusa, NuMex Suave Red, Biquinho, and two sweets- Corno di Toro Rosso and D Asti Giallo.
Haven’t managed to salvage all of my plants from last year, but looking promising with a Scotch Bonnet, Pink Tiger, Faddas White and Tabasco plant showing signs of life.

Want to get a few others propagating. Think I’ll probably try for some Padrons, Aji Limons and Jalapeños (if I’ve actually got any seeds!). Don’t want to go totally mad with weird and wonderful varieties that will never get used! Want to try to get a good crop of the staples to make hot sauces, pickled and candied chillies.
I'm in for this thread.

Do chilli plants normally grow leaves indoors in Dec/Jan?

I've got a plant from Seaspring Seeds that I started from pug plant last summer, but it did nothing. I kept it alive over winter, and it's now growing some leaves and looking pretty healthy. Will post pics shortly.
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I tried an experiment last year, I grew 3 types I normally grow but planted the seeds late summer, kept them in very small pots all winter (like 5cmx5cm pots).
They are currently a little leggy in a couple of cases, but I have 15 lovely little plants that I give some light to, and water when they get very dry and start to curl up.

arj lemon, zimbabwe black and habanero tobago (its a habanero but about 1/100 of the normal heat level so great for added flavour)

They are just ready to go with larger pots and more light and water
Think I will repot mid March when I get back from skiing and then soon after should be good to move to the greenhouse I think
Failed so hard last year - aphids! - that I'm lacking motivation this time around. Need to get my greenhouse built soon so they don't clog up the windowsills.
I had aphids one year - it's devastating. Apparently ladybirds are great for fixing this, but sadly this only works if the plants are outdoors.
I'm in for this thread.

Do chilli plants normally grow leaves indoors in Dec/Jan?

I've got a plant from Seaspring Seeds that I started from pug plant last summer, but it did nothing. I kept it alive over winter, and it's now growing some leaves and looking pretty healthy. Will post pics shortly.

Just keep them away from cold draughts.
I had aphids one year - it's devastating. Apparently ladybirds are great for fixing this, but sadly this only works if the plants are outdoors.

Ladybirds love aphids
Check first the aphids are not because of ants though
Ants farm aphids on your plants at times, you need to deal with the ants first in that case

Aphids are easy to deal with with some persistence
Gently shaking the plants (move elsewhere first if they are potted) will knock a lot off, rinse repeat every day
Mild solution of washing up liquid sprayed on the leaves (particularly undersides) helps keep the population from growing, dont do this too often, kinda weekly until under control
I'm in - used up the last of the chilis i had in my freezer before Christmas making some chili chutney and drying some for chili flakes.

Will be doing harbenaro, jalapeno, cayenne and whatever else I've got left over/pick up soon.
How is everyone getting on? Any progress with seed germination?

Here's a pic of my Orange Habanero, grow from pug plant last year. Last year it did nothing but shed its leaves - I think it was a bit stressed by the UK weather.

Over winter, it's grown back even more leaves than before. Hoping it will mature into something quite fruitful this summer.

These are my two biggest ones, been up about 2 weeks.

I was going to grow scotch bonnets, but misplaced the seeds, then ordered habaneros, so those are growing.

I ended up finding my scotch bonnet seeds later, doh.

But disappointed with germaenation rates, I got 9 of 20 up, it's possible I guess a few more might come but it's been a good 3 weeks or so.

9 plants is probably enough though for my polytunnel as I'm going to grow a couple of tomato plants as well.


Mine are on the go, they could do with a bit more light but I don't want to put them in my porch yet as it's still a bit cold. I planted 6 seeds each of Basket of Fire, Scotch Bonnets and Trinidad Scorpions. Surprisingly, the Scorpions came up quickest and all 6 of those and the Scotch Bonnets grew, however, only two of the Basket of Fires have come up and one has died.
First crop of seedlings that germinated failed to get growing and died and many just didn't germinate. Trying again with different soil/compost/depth of sowing.
Off the ball this year, usually try and get them in early Jan.

Ordered some Scotch Bonnet seeds from South Devon Chilli Farm, had good success with their seeds last year.

I like Scotch Bonnets they are probably my favourite of all, but they are quite hot, on the limit really of still just about being practical to use.
I love growing my chillies - different types, make chutneys with them - also get a bit carried away with a bit of chilli in veg and also salads. I like them salads though have to admit that it can catch my friends by surprise :-)
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