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2080TI FE to 4070 super??

17 Mar 2009
Just wondering if its worth the cost for changing cards. I'm finding conflicting info about the percentage uplift from a 2080TI FE (boosts to 1930mhz) to a 4070. Will it be a notable upgrade from my current card and if so roughly what percantage uplift would I be looking at and is it worth the upgrade (I will sell the 2080TI to part fund the new card if i do swap)? Currently im gaming at 1080p but will be moving to 1440p
I can't say I'd bother upgrading from a 3070 - near enough 2080ti in many cases - to a 4070 especially at the cost they are - I'm not sure how it stacks up in wider benchmarks off the top of my head but in the stuff I play the difference is only 20-30%. Personally my next upgrade would have to be at least 4080 kind of territory but I'm not paying more than about £800 for that so...
To be honest this is where im at. I refuse to pay that kinda of money for a GPU
Just resurrecting as looking for thoughts on swapping from my 2080ti FE to a 4070 Super? Since i originally posed this question about moving to a 4070 ive also changed from 1080p to 1440p
Bully for you, the OP is clearly not a person who upgrades for the sake of it effectively and wants a worthwhile uplift.

I think I'd do the same in his/her position.

Basically this. Prior to my 2080ti i had a 1060 6gb and i only have the 2080ti as it was a competition prize. Most ive spent on a GPU was £200 i think so if im going to get violated by modern day GPU prices it needs to be worthwhile and something ill be happy with for 4-5 years
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