*#21# - What’s it all about?

What? It just displays if you have call forwarding set.
I thought that, but I keep getting sent videos saying that you can tell if your phone is being listened to by it.

I think it’s the word interrogation that is freaking out the numpties.
Not really, just asking out of interest.

Just thought it odd that you dismiss it in your first post then call the folk numpties for believing it could be what you first stated.
Also I'd question being friends with folk perpetuating crap like that sending you those videos :o
Just thought it odd that you dismiss it in your first post then call the folk numpties for believing it could be what you first stated.
Also I'd question being friends with folk perpetuating crap like that sending you those videos :o
It was my dad who sent me it first, should I bin him off?
Has this number got anything at all do with your phone being listened to, or is it another load of paranoid cobblers?

Paranoid cobblers from people who’ve watched too much 24 and Homeland.

Google GSM Supplementary Service Codes. It’s how call forwarding/barring/waiting etc. are set up on cellular phones. Modern phones have a nice UI which does this for you without you having to know all the codes and sequences.

The U.K. security services don’t need to hack your phone. Your network operator will have a Legal Intercept Room in one of their premises where a representative of said services with ID and a warrant will appear and ask the operator to enable various monitoring features against one or more mobile numbers. A network tech will set this up and leave the security person/s to record whatever the warrant allows.

Remember kids: regular Voice calls and SMS are only encrypted and cyphered across the 2/3/4/5G air interface and the network elements deployed in the field. Once you get into the back end “Core Network”, it’s all in clear.
Remember kids: regular Voice calls and SMS are only encrypted and cyphered across the 2/3/4/5G air interface and the network elements deployed in the field. Once you get into the back end “Core Network”, it’s all in clear.
Yup. I was on the jury of a trial for a drug dealer and it was fascinating what information the prosecution had on the accused man's phone and text conversations.
Location information as well since a phone is constantly reporting signal strength related details on the serving cell and all the neighboured cells it can access to the network when in a voice call.

Can be as accurate as a good 3D GPS fix.
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