24" 1440p or 27" 1440p?

Depends on how good your eye sight is and whether you like tiny fonts. Although several places recommend 125% scaling in Windows for 1440p at 25" I personally find it defeats the point of having the higher DPI. I only use scaling on 4k because it's pretty much needed unless you like ant sized font. Very subjective and down to preference. I personally like 1440p at 25" or even 24" since the DPI at 27" is a bit low and the pixels are a tad large. However, if you intend to scale 1440p at 25" then just go for 27" instead.
27"... the only reason to get smaller is if you are limited on budget, limited on space or a pro-gamer playing FPS.

Both are 1440p, so your gfx card will have to do the same work for either... ie, having a 1050 has no bearing on deciding between these 2 options.
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