24-70L or 24-105L

18 Oct 2002
What are people's opinions about the difference between these two canon L lenses. I'm going to be saving up for one or the other over the next few months (really really need usm :)) and want to know what people think. On the one hand, the 24-105 is only F4, but has a longer reach. I've heard many people describe it as really versatile because of this.

On the other hand, the 24-70 is what range I have now, and that feels ok. Also, I really like the smaller DOF you get at 2.8 over 4, and the 24-70 is slightly cheaper.

So, what'll it be? I'm leaning toward the 24-70, and then saving up (over years!) to get a 70-200....
I'm in the US, so I'm looking at a $100 difference between the two. The 24-105 has IS, but isn't that countered by the 24-70 being faster? My current sigma 24-70 is 2.8, so I'm just worried I'll miss this.

Also, I've heard about viginetting on the 24-105 at 24mm. Anyone got any experience of this?

From all the stuff I've read, it seems that the 24-70 is the benchmark of mid-range zoom and that the (newer) 24-105 is compared against it. Some people seem to think it's as good as the 24-70, some think it's worse. In which case, if it's a split between "as good as" and "not as good as", I'm still leaning toward the 24-70. I've picked up a 24-70 before, but not a 24-105. Will have to go to B&H to have a feel :)

I was thinking that seeing as I tend to take more shots of still things at low light than fast things, the IS on the 24-105 would be better. But the bokeh won't be as good.

ARGH!!!!!!!!! :( Don't know which one to get :(
Already got the 10-22 :)

Because it's a saturday, B&H is closed, but I'll be heading down there tomorrow to pick both of them up and have a play :) Won't be buying yet, but at least it'll give me something to put in the top spot on my wish list :)
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