24" IMac Brightness issue?

1 Apr 2003
Hi all

I have been reading on a couple of Mac forums about an issue with the brightness of the current 24" IMacs. It seems that the right hand side is quite a bit dimmer than the left hand side of the screen.

I couldnt find any threads on this problem on here, but has anyone experienced this on here?

Thanks :)
i had read about this before i got my iMac and on some of the 24" displays i saw in the apple shop it was clearly present, I got the 20" which didnt seem to be as affected by it although i have one issue with them both the screen colours are awful the iMac color profile is just too bright, when compared to my pc displays so i need to calibrate it
Brightness on my new 24" 2.8 Extreme seems fine, very even illumination

I do agree though, out of the box it does seem TOO bright, dab it down to 90% until you calibrate it if its bugging you.
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