24 months for a first and final written warning.

28 Sep 2004
As per the title has anyone ever heard of a final written being given for this length of time ?

The reason for asking is the wife has just been given this, she has nothing else on her record and is deeply upset about this.
What makes it worse is two of them where accused of the same things but the other person got away with not much more than a verbal warning while she got this.

I don't wish to go into too much detail as this is ongoing but any input or advice would be appreciated.
Thanks for the reply.
Neither have we seen this before but have a feeling this is personal as they provided no evidence no written statements or anything.
No she is not in a union.
It is only a small company 6 people in total, everything was fine until the owners wife came on board and then the problems seem to have started.
I know but you have to try.
The wife has described her as intimidating and a bit of a bully who likes to shout a lot.
Thanks for all the replys.
They were both accused of the same things but the other person admitted it all and even told them it was her and not my wife but they were not interested.

They produced no evidence at all just allegations and nothing to back them up with.
She has looked at the websites for both cab and acas but has not contacted them yet but found them useful as it would appear they have not followed the guidelines on the acas one.
Sounds like someone's been banging the owner.
I hope i have misunderstood but could you please explain this.

My wife has decided to appeal but is aware it is a lost cause but you never know.
She is looking for a new job she says the atmosphere is toxic and she can no longer trust anyone there.
She is one of the older members of staff and this seems to have been caused by the younger ones.
She said most of this goes back to last year, she did ask why they had not dealt with it before and was told they had other things on their minds.
So it could have all been dealt with informally rather than this.
From what she has told me they take it as bullying if you don't say Good morning with a smile on your face.
Thanks for that i did misunderstand sorry.
I will speak to my wife and see if she will allow me to post what it is all about.
But based on the evidence they have failed to present i am pretty sure it is all made up or greatly exaggerated.
She asked for an appeal and they said they would have to get an outside hr company in to do this.
This was set up and then they put all the staff on furlough but did say she could still appeal when this is all over.
No problem i should have updated it at the time.
Just have to see if she has a job to go back to first then maybe look at an appeal later.
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