24 Season 2, anyone got the boxset?

27 Oct 2002

I'm using an online dvd rental company and have watched up to 10pm of 24 season 2. (its awesome!!) However, disc 4 contains the midnight episode where the show surely must end????

So what do DVD's 5,6, and 7 contain? Because i'd rather start resnting series 3 of 24, then waste my time on extras of series 2 (unless they are amazing!!)

what the hell...but the story is almost done...wel obviously not

so just disc 7 is special features??? any good or not worth it?
every disc etc is worth a buy, they are all mint. I was behind but i bought every dvd box set. Impressed with each one...i can now watch season 5 on tele :)
JoshSaville said:
every disc etc is worth a buy, they are all mint. I was behind but i bought every dvd box set. Impressed with each one...i can now watch season 5 on tele :)
I thoroughly enjoyed it too. Just when you think it's all over......it's not! ;)
I've only watched series 1 of 24, but at £17.99 I couldn't resist and ordered series 2-4, can't wait, might have to do a marathon.....3 24 hour marathons.....in a row, so urm, a 72 marathon.
rossyl said:
what the hell...but the story is almost done...wel obviously not

so just disc 7 is special features??? any good or not worth it?

All of the 24 series are like that, there is more than 1 main plot in each series. There are 24 episodes in each series (17 hours).
Did you not think to count how many episodes you had already seen? Or notice that it didn't begin at midnight? The show is called 24 for a reason ;).
rossyl said:
so just disc 7 is special features??? any good or not worth it?

i particularly like the interviews with cast and crew there views working on 24, also seeing how the perform some of the stunts is pretty interesting.

rossyl said:
what the hell...but the story is almost done...wel obviously not

so just disc 7 is special features??? any good or not worth it?

Every series has two climaxes, one around episode 12 or 13 and then one at the very end. It's great when you get to the end and it flips everything you thought about the plot at the start of the series on its head :)
I bought the 4 season box set to have something to watch while abroad. I've finished season 1 now, can't say I love it. It's good for an after work wind down, with a can of tiger. But that’s about all. For some reason I just find some of the characters really annoying. His dam daughter for one, I just want to slap the silly lass with a wet kipper.

I can see why people love the series though, very good concept. A certain internet retailer (not sure if they are a competitor) are doing very good deals on all these sets at the moment.

Now LOST, that is a series I love.......season 2 is sooooo good.
i finished season 1 a few days ago, got season 2,3,4 here all waiting to be watched...i dont really wana start though..cos when i do, ill be hooked n wont be able to stop :|
A2Z said:
i finished season 1 a few days ago, got season 2,3,4 here all waiting to be watched...i dont really wana start though..cos when i do, ill be hooked n wont be able to stop :|
Know the feeling . . . . Take a whole week off of Work/Social life and get through it. You know you want to ;)
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