24 Series 4 *spoilers*

27 Mar 2004
What can i say about 24 Series 4? It just gets better and better.

It's probably the only programme that actually literally gets me on the edge of my seat. I'm usually a laid back and placid person, but certain moments in this series have had me jumping up and punching the air! :o The episodes where JB is about to storm the terrorist bunker single handed and when Tony Almeida comes back and saves JB in episode 7 had me cheering out loud. Am i sad to have this reaction? :confused:

I don't know what the magic of this programme is. It has to be the greatest thing ever in the history of television...and that includes The Six Million Dollar Man when I was a kid.

Only 17 more episodes to go. No further spoilers from episode 7 please! :p
Yeah, totally agree mate. Just so glad that I, and I presume you, are watching it on DVD and don't have to wait a week for the next episode...I just couldn't!! 24 is the only TV series that I have all the boxsets for and I cherish them greatly. Can't wait for Series 5 to come out on DVD!

There is one particular moment in Series 4, which you haven't come to yet, which will have you jumping up and punching the air like never before! I went bezerk!! I really want to give you a slight hint or hour zone but I will resist!
I also got far too excited when Tony saved Jack. More to come!

I can't decide which series I like best. I'm thinking the first.
It all started for me from when Series 1 was on BBC2 on Sunday nights. I was just addicted from the start.

mark66, in which order would you rate the first 4 Series? I actually though Series 3 was the worst one so far with Series 1 being the best. Series 4 is building up nicely though. There seems to be a lot more shoot-out's this series so far.

BrenOS said:
I also got far too excited when Tony saved Jack

Glad it's not just me then. :)

I actually seem to be guessing some of the plot lines on Series 4 so far. I'm sure there's a few surprises yet to come though.
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I felt the first was very good - thats what got me hooked, but series 3 for me, was the best. In that series, the best person for each particular role within CTU, had been chosen. This meant that by then they were ready to deal with any situation.

Season4, i felt, tried to top all the previous seasons, but i felt they tried too hard.

Season5 has already started, i think we are up to episode12, so half way through, but ive resisted watching any of these. I want to watch all of them in one go, one after the other. One time, i did about 9 hrs solid, of 24 - I've not done this with any other tv show. Ever.

Best tv serial of all time.
Strangely enough I don't go reading that either :o

I have no TV license, No Sky dish and do not watch TV as it is pap (bar the bliss that is 24/Alias). For these I wait for the DVD's to arrive at my door and watch till my eyes bleed. Then I watch just a little more :>
I have to say i'm hooked too lol. Got season 1 for christmas and loved and have bought seasons 2, 3, 4 on DVD. Haven't been watching season 5 because i hadn't seen 3 + 4 by that time.

I did cheer when Tony entered too, hehe.

One thing did anger me though, the season with Gale where it implies he is a mole in CTU. That was the last straw for me. I was like, how many times is CTU going to be infiltrated for gods sake, who's doing the interviews? It played out nicely though.

Also, i find myself hating everyone making it difficult for Jack. Like Mason and Chappelle. Feel like shouting "listen ******** he ******* gets results, let him do his job."
ArmyofHarmony said:
i watched 3 seasons in 5 days and almost died from the constant goodness of 24


Its the best way to watch these episodes, one after the other until u cant keep your eyes open any longer.
Season 4 is so yesteryear! I'm halfway through season 5 (well episode 11), and if you thought Season 4 was good, just wait! :D
hmm i'm not sure, do i wait for season 5 to tally finish, buy it on DVD and then watch it in one go.

As that's what i did for the first 4 seasons ( only just started watching 24 ) and found it much better, than waiting for it every week.
24 is one of the most consistently excellent series I've ever watched. Watching them in succession on DVD is amazing - it's a real rollercoaster of a ride, and even when watching for hours on end I never got bored or felt my attention waning - far from it, I couldn't wait to see what happens next.

And yes - Tony saving Jack had me shouting YES COME ON! at my telly :D
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