24GB of RAM, would it work ?

17 Feb 2009
HX424C15FB/4 they're the 4GB modules.

HX424C15FB2K2/16 are the 8GB ones

I currently have 2x8GB installed. But have some RAM lying around and wondering if I can install these as well ?
Slot 2 and 4 have the 8GB
Slot 1 and 3 could have the 4GB ?

B450 Tomahawk Max mobo
Ryzen 5 3600

Not planning on overclocking
Do you ever use above 16GB though?

Good question.
More ram is only for multi-tasking right ?
When I went from 8GB to 16GB I noticed no difference, PC was still speedy.
In cyberpunk it uses up about 45% of the RAM.

The only thing is, if it's lying around not being used I may as well install it ?
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