£25 for Shure SE110. Good deal?

Mine was posted today :) Not sure how great they are but surely much better than the cheapo Sony in-ears I'm using now.
on that budget i'd go with sony ex85 for £14-99 mid/low end shures are not regarded well on head fi.
ooh £25 seems v v v good to me, for that kinda money would be worth getting as a back up pair any chance of letting me know some way where thats from? (if thats allowed)

edit never mind i think i found it but no longer working, not that i needed them anyway
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I got them and they're alright, not sure of the bass though, slightly feeble compared to the CX500s I have. I also don't particulary like the way you have to put them on, but that's starting to dissolve.
well i know the cx300 were uber bass heavy, a total contrast the a pair of shure se210's i had briefly but have heard the se110's are a bit more rounded and with less clarity than the se210's. been wanting a pair to try but not enough to pay £40+ for something ill prob almost never use (bought pair of se530's couple month ago)
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