
28 Mar 2004
N Ireland
So here i am sitting listening to a nice bit of music cool beer in hand and woft of the pizza in the oven coming up the stairs...and i realise the music just does not sound well enough,

At the minute its just a 2.1 setup from creative powered from the on board sound on a nf7-s. If i wanted to spend £250 what shoud i get ?

Any ideas
Your looking to spend combined £250 on sound card and speakers? If you want to keep with stereo, your best bet is Hi-Fi.

Look second hand for bookshelf speakers and integrated amps. Some suggestions are Mission (many there, 731, 732 etc) or if your lucky you may be able to find some Monitor Audio bronze B1/B2. Also Mordaunt Short 902 etc.

For amplifiers, look for makes like NAD, Rotel, Denon; they are often quite cheap since newer models have been released, but the older ones sound virtually identical anyhow :) .

For a quality stereo soundcard, you might consider the M-Audio AUDIOPHILE 2496 available for £55 from a competitor.

You also need some speaker cable and an interconnect for that card, possibly banana plugs. You can definately get all this for under £250 providing you don't mind going second hand and you have space on the desk for larger speakers, it will definately provide the best music experience :)
yea, i switched to hi fi sepperates and its just tons better than any little 'multi media' systems you can get.

never used an M-audio card but you may be able to pick up an X-fi OEM quite cheap.

do you have a lot of desk space ?
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