2500k GPU upgrade advice please

17 Sep 2017
Hello guys,

I'm after some help / advice please...

My current build:

Intel 15 2500k (OC'd to 4.5Ghz)
Gigabyte Windforce 670 2 GB
4 x Corsair 4GB 1600Mhz DDR3 RAM (16GB)
Seasonic X 660KM PSU
2 x Dell U2312HMt 1080 monitors

I am looking to do some inexpensive upgrading. My ultimate aim is to run PCars 2 (and maybe Forza 7) on reasonable settings at 60FPS -preferably across 2 monitors -and maybe in the future even on 3 when I can afford a third monitor.

Initially I am on a very limited budget (ideally as low as possible but no more than £150). I was considering picking up another (used) Windforce 670 from ebay for about £70, to run SLI.

  1. Does dual 670's sound like a good idea? Seems to me to be the cheapest obvious upgrade, I could have course try to sell my 670 and use the proceeds towards a single GPU.
  2. Is Microstutter still a thing? I've no experience of SLI-ing, but I seem to remember reading about it. Is it likely to be an issue with PCars 2?
  3. How plausible is my ultimate dream of running 3x 1080 monitors at 60FPS? I don't mind dropping eye candy to acheive this, but I'm very sensitive to choppy frame rates / tearing etc. I'd happily lower the resolution too if that's possible and would help.
  4. Any obvious upgrade ideas that I may have missed?
Thanks a million!

You are going to find it difficult on that budget, and knowing if PC2 will scale well on an SLI setup is something I can't answer, when is it out? I would have a look at some of the local selling sites like Gumtree etc. to see if you can find someone selling a GTX 670 cheaper than £70, you could buy it and see how you go, worst case scenario you sell it for the same you bought it for. The GTX 670 is a good card but it is over 5 years old now, and with only 2GB VRAM. If you are patient, or lucky you might pick up a GTX 980Ti for about £220, and you could sell your other 670 to cover the difference in outlay, that would allow you to play the way you want, as it is basically a GTX 1070, or near enough.
I have a 2500K at 4.5GHz and 2 x GTX670 4GB cards in my rig at 1080p.

I am running Forza 6 Apex with no problems. I don't think Forza 6 supports SLi - if it does it makes no difference to my performance when it's disabled. It runs on a single GTX670 at 60fps on the Ultra setting with a very occasional minor stutter but nothing that really causes any problem with gameplay. You might struggle with the 2GB VRAM though as I think 4GB is recommended for 1080p 60fps for Forza 7. As for anything above 1080p - I think you might have a problem....

I've no idea about PCars2 - PCars1 certainly runs very well on my rig but I think I might struggle with the new version if I crank up the settings. I'm considering a GTX 1060 6GB card just in case....
Thanks for all the input guys, much appreciated.

Based on the responses, I've had a little re-think and I now think I might go ahead and get a used 980 ti (will sell some stuff on ebay to fund it!!).

Would love to get any input regarding whether the rest of my rig is gonna be OK for a while (a year?), or if I'm missing something obvious.

Thanks muchly!
I went from a 2gb GTX 670 to a 980ti and its nearlly 3 times the performance, your rig is simmlar to mine except i have a 3570k but it will be fine with the 980ti.

Have you gor an SSD ?
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